This week: Margate Main Sands
Best known for it's numerous bonfire nights, this is a huge sandy beach with lovely sunsets and a good view of the wide open expanse of the former Dreamland site.
The gap in the seafront buildings will soon be a road, the road will be called Swan Vista as a tribute to it's origins. Looking towards the Harbour we can see another empty space, this is where the Turner conjob was supposed to be built and slightly inshore of that is Costalot House or as the locals now call it 'Councillors Cafe'.
Many films have been shot in this location, most famously an episode of Only Fools and Horses, and, of course, the latest and incorrectly named, Exodus (it means to leave not come). You sure you haven't been on the paint stripper again Ted? - Ed
That's just a nasty rumour started by my evil ex-wife:(
Why have the council bulldozed sodding great ramps of sand all the way along Margate beach? They did it last year, is it something to do with preventing the sand blowing across the road?
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