Saturday, August 26, 2006

Regeneration Chief Puts The Spark Back Into Margate

Exclusive by Our Chief Reporter Jenny Tals

New Margate Regeneration Chief Bobby Smalls has vowed to put the spark back into the town! Mr Smalls, 48, recently moved from upmarket Chelsea to take up his new £500,000 a year job as head of the Margate Regeneration Renewal Re-Everything Partnership Trust Thingy.

"I've already noticed there's a bit of a buzz about the place," Mr Smalls told the Gazunder. "I think it's probably coming from all the flies feeding on the rotting seaweed."

But that could be a thing of the past if Mr Smalls gets his way. His ten point plan for getting the town back on its feet includes:

- Dreamland to be replaced with new luxury apartments and community bus shelter
- Rendezvous car park to be replaced with new luxury apartments and community picture rail
- Harbour to be replaced with new luxury apartments and community fishing rod

That's enough regeneration plans - Ed.


Richard Eastcliff said...

Our Jen puts the 'crack' in 'cracking'!

Anonymous said...

Actually you couldn't make it up, because the regeneration article in this week's Gazette is headlined: Derek wants to put spark back into Margate!

Who's satirising who???